2021 2.27 SAT


(2/17update: 開演時間が19:00⇒17:00に変更となりました。)
(2/24update: ライブ配信の実施が決定しました!)

— 関西を中心に大活躍のピアニスト・杉山悟史のリーダートリオ、2019年9月以来の出演! —

■Date: 2021.2.27(SAT)
■Time: 17:00~(16:30開場) ※17:00スタートへと変更になりました。
■Music Charge: 予約¥2500・当日¥3000・学生¥1500
■Reservation: 100BANホール(078-331-1728, hall(a)100ban.jp)までご連絡下さい。


【Live Streaming & Archive のご案内】(*2/24 update)



We are streaming the concert for the people who cannot attend but wishing to enjoy the show.  This is a streaming with high-quality sound and will be archived until Mar.7th(sun, JST).
Please purchase your ticket from the ticketing website (peatix) below and go to the “Watch Stream page” (you will be guided by the email sent from peatix or you can reach the “Watch Stream page”via “ticket dashboard” on your Peatix account.

配信チケット販売サイト (Peatix)

<注意事項 / precautions>
※配信チケットはアーカイブ配信終了直前の【3/7(日) 23:00】までいつでも購入できます


*Live streaming tickets are available until March.7th(sun) 11:00pm (JST).
*The show will be archived and available until March.7th (sun, JST).
*Due to the limitation of the technologies available to us, there is a possibility that the video / audio being delivered may be delayed or disturbed, and in the worst case, it may not be delivered successfully. If you cannot watch the streaming comfortably in real time, please watch the archive later. We apologize any inconveniences in such cases.


<artist’s website>
杉山悟史 https://sugisatosh.exblog.jp/